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Calderdale Privacy Policy

Your Privacy – Cookies

Some websites send small amounts of data to your computer, which are then stored on your computer as ‘cookies’. Cookies do not collect information from your computer. They are used for various reasons, for example, to see how many people are looking at specific web pages or to improve the service you receive by tailoring the content to your needs. Some websites use cookies to recognise that you may have already given a username and password so don’t need to do it for every web page requested. This site does not use cookies to increase the relevancy of what is displayed or to enable us to see how many people are looking at specific web pages.

This site only uses cookies in the following ways:-

1. Site customisation

Cookie Name: FontSize.

Typical content: the font size you’ve selected from the website e.g. small.

This allows the font size you’ve selected to be remembered whenever you visit our website.

Cookie Name: Culture

If you are a provider, using the portal of a Welsh Local Authority, you may make your application in either English or Welsh. This cookie allows the language you’ve selected to be remembered.

Typical content: the language you’ve selected, either English or Welsh.

2. Online forms

Cookie Names: ASP.NET_SessionId, ASPSESSIONIDxxxxxxxx (randomly generated and encrypted characters).

These cookies identify you when you are connected to the site and actively using the website. There is no data in the cookie over and above that which you have already given us when you registered to use the site. This cookie holds your logged on name, userid, email address, user profile id, and user type. This data is fully encrypted, i.e. it cannot be read by anyone else, either person or machine. These cookies allow you to complete the application form without re-entering information you've already given. After 30 minutes or when you LOGOUT from the site, the cookie expires and is deleted by your browser or, if you do not use your computer, the cookies stay there and are deleted the next time the browser is started. If you were to remove these cookies in the middle of the application process, you would be logged out of the service as the server would not know who you are and you will be asked to log in again.

3. More information**

Cookies are sent to your browser by a website and your browser may be Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or any other browser. To check your cookie settings, you will need to know what browser you are using and what version of it you have. You can usually find this out by opening the browser then selecting 'Help' and then 'About'. This will give you information about the browser version you are using. For more information on managing your cookies, follow the link below and select the browser you are using. You can also read your browser's help for more information.

How to control or delete cookies